Girl names that mean ocean

60 Best Baby Names That Mean Ocean for Girls and BoysEvery parent has a different logic in selecting names. It is a famous name in the U.S. but has Latin origin and means ‘tranquil’.As cool as it sounds, it is quite befitting ocean baby name as well. It is the Greek word for ‘ocean’ and is a regal choice of name for your baby boy.It is a fascinating name for your cute baby boy. Name your child Marvin, so that he reaches excellent heights like a hill and remains calm at the same time due to the sea.A child with this name will have a significant relation to the ocean. He's in his sixties and hasn't ever considered changing it, and I'm proud to know him.Oh, by the way (I forgot), I do know someone who knew someone called "Wet".I get caught up writing books and don't know what names to name the characters so I came to heat and got some really good names for my characters so thank u so much.A few months before I wrote the article, I was helping my cousin look for a name for her baby that was due in a few months. If we look in Greek mythology, he is considered to be the titan related to the sea.This is a common and apt name for people looking for an ocean-based name. It means ‘power of the ocean’.It is the name of the main female lead in the popular video game series: Kingdom Hearts. We eventually came up with a name on our own by looking in an old encyclopedia. But since it lies in the category of an ocean name it is ‘a species of the dolphin’.This is quite a popular name in the states and means ‘green river, sea friend’.
It might remind you of a river in italy, it also means Butt in german, though. She is the ‘goddess of beauty, war, and love’.This name sounds so graceful and is of Scottish origin. Here is a complete list of names inspired by nature—from flower names to herb and tree names.As long as parents have been naming their children, they have been drawn to names inspired by colors. It is the name of an Indian God associated with the sea and the sky.Ocean and other water-bodies represent tranquillity. From literary heroines to Spanish princesses, this list offers plenty of inspiration to help you find a beautiful name for your daughter. It has its roots in the Latin language.It is of Welsh origin and means ‘sea hill’. Smelling the snow as it flurries down from the sky? The story he told me about how he got his name goes like this:His mother died during childbirth and her dying words was naming her new baby boy. We hope this list of baby names that mean ocean helps you to that suits your child today and for a lifetime! It means ‘fishermen’.It looks like a name for a chubby baby, but it isn’t so. You can find snails near all bodies of water (sea snails anyone? It must be everybody’s dream to lead a peaceful life! After looking up its meaning, I was not in any doubt that I wanted to use it. I hope no one ever thinks it a good idea to use that as a name :xI love this!!!!!

It is an Italian alternative for Guinevere and means ‘white shadow, white wave’.It is quite popular and loved name in the U.S. It’s basic mythologyThank you! accepts no liability for any errors, omissions or misrepresentations. Say I have a dirty mind but a woman would hear no end to her name being...sexual. Another ocean baby boy name which is named after the Tiger Shark.
I hope you find my list of names useful and you find one that resonates with you.There's nothing more humbling than letting the sound of the ocean put you to sleep.

I love a lot of these names!On my opinion, all of these names are wonderful. One of my very best friends lives with his family out in California where I visit at least once a year. It is one of the most favoured names in the U.S.Amazed by the creativity parents possess these days, Cliff is one of the most loved ocean-inspired baby names.

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