Mules and Men

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i kind of wished for more of an ending of sorts as the book kind of just stopped. At first, one can tell the communities are cautious of her and suspicious. The book reads as two yoked under one title; in the first part Hurston embeds African-American folktales within a fast-moving narrative frame, while in the second she switches to more deliberately recounting her research of different practices of hoodoo in the South.This is a GoodRead! Mules and Men is a treasury of black America's folklore as collected by a famous storyteller and anthropologist who grew up hearing the songs and sermons, sayings and tall tales that have formed an oral history of the South since the time of slavery. I think some of them are ridiculous, like the one 4.0 Stars.

As I understand it, she collected these stories as part of a project at Barnard over a period of at least 7 years and did not initially write after she collected the information,but made another trip back to her birthplace, though I would have trouble calling it her "home" since she seemed to carry that sense of home with her, perhaps a nomad at heart, she seemed to be able to set her tent anywhere and make a home of where she was.This is one of the most unique books I have ever read. net.

The section on voodoo was the most interesting to me. the narrative is made up almost entirely of a travelogue of sorts, with our narrator going from town to town in florida documenting different variations of the oral tradition of these towns, storythis proved to be a lively and approachable vision of the 'big lies' (folktales) of southern black folk from an era that seems bygone or at least far away to a white midwesterner living in the 21st century such as myself.

So true and very refreshing. Buy Mules and Men by Zora Neale Hurston (ISBN: 9780833570130) from Amazon's Book Store.

Maybe even read outloud. If you want yo' finger bit poke it at a possum.”This is a short story collection from the ingenious author Zora Neale Hurston. Thank you for visiting A Irish four piece string band. Sign up for the Get the most important science stories of the day, free in your inbox.

It is a a group of oral stories that were passed on to and written down by author Zora Neale Hurston (known for Their Eyes Were Watching God). Some of the stories in here are genuinely hilarious and very fun to read and overall this was a great introduction to some themes in African American folklore.

She wrote them so beautifully in the vernacular of the people telling the stories that it feels like the reader is sitting right next to Hurston on the front porch of someone's home or at the Juke Joint. But other than that, this was a pleasure to listen to. That is all. She wrote them so beautifully in the vernacular of the people telling the stories that it feels like the reader is sitting right next to Hurston on the front porch of someone's home or at the Juke Joint. 0060916486 Heavy marking. Love is a funny thing; love is a blossom.

This blurb says it all:The following passage is taken from the blurb on the 2008 Harperperennial paperback edition. Did you know that since 2004, Biblio has used its profits to build 16 public libraries in rural villages of South America?Take a stab at guessing and be entered to win a $50 Biblio gift certificate!

In all of her works, anthropology plays an essential role.

I totally can't wait to re-read "Their eyes were watching God".

Published Mules and Men is a collection of black stories and hoodoo (voodoo), published by Zora Neale Hurston in 1935. First Edition. They also think that because she's rich she won't fit in to their circle.This book was interesting at times due to Hurston's description the socio/historic nature of Southern localities where she collected her stories. Since this was an abridge version of the book, which I didn't know that I had, I wasn't sure if i would have liked it.

Fair. Pp. There are stories of survival, triumph and failure as people come together to live their lives in communities.

"Yeah, man. The first book is stories or lies that [s. Hurston captured during the Great Depression. Purveyors of craic and acid celtgrass. Most people forget that Zora Neale Hurston was an Anthropologist who completed extensive fieldwork.

It's hard not to believe in some of the things she says she saw and heard of.This is really two different books. Paperback. The second half is about Voodoo or Hoodoo and Ms. Hurston's experiences learning it. The first half is Ms. Hurston gathering stories around Florida. Other articles where Mules and Men is discussed: African American folktale: Folktales in print: A collection titled Mules and Men (1935) by African American author Zora Neale Hurston may serve as a counterpoint to Harris’s Uncle Remus collection in its attempt to … It is told from Zora's POV and recalls tales, or lies as they are called, that she has heard from her childhood told by the people of her hometown.

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