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Ironically, the Jews were conquered and divided yet again by Babylon, another occasion for Biblical lament, as their temple was razed and the Jews exiled throughout Babylonia. Caesar now succeeded in organizing an irresistible coalition of political bosses. “It is better to create than to learn! Create a shared ambition and inspire people to build it with you. They focus on creating a legacy; financial results are a result of making the world a better place too. Another alarming consequence of this NWO agenda that’s never been more glaringly obvious is the out of control refugee migration crisis presently spreading throughout Europe. Those that focus on value creation will thrive.”, “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” — Aristotle. What are yours? But they failed to prevent Caesar’s election as the other consul. It is not that the latter doesn’t matter, but making money is not enough. Builders are driven by a purpose bigger than themselves. But as Pebe Escobar aptly says, ”Empire of Chaos isn’t working out too well for them.” For all its destructive power to destroy other nations, the US appears to also be self-imploding. However, once World War II ended, England needed a builder — everyone wanted a purpose-driven future. But since birds of the same criminal ilk flock together, they gave the predatory US vultures everything they wanted and demanded. Within a decade after the Korean War was over, the globalists were at it again replicating this same proven lethal formula fueling another cold war wedge in Asia, this time with the divided Vietnamese population. The Centre of Research on Globalization grants permission to cross-post Global Research articles on community internet sites as long the source and copyright are acknowledged together with a hyperlink to the original Global Research article. In my line of work, I encourage organizations and leaders to embrace a builder style — the first step is to get rid of the belief that you can’t win without conquering. After using Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda originally to defeat an overextended Soviet Empire in the world’s empire graveyard Afghanistan throughout the 1980’s, forcing the breakup of the Soviet Union nearly a quarter century ago, the US Empire then used its clout as the world’s only superpower to ensure that Russia and China would never challenge US hegemony and full spectrum dominance again. With the promises he made during the last Kalyana Karnataka Utsav Day – establishment of a separate secretariat for the implementation of Article 371(J) of the Constitution, shifting Kalyana Karnataka Special Cell from Bengaluru to Kalaburagi, increasing special grants to Kalyana Karnataka Regional Development Board (KKRDB) and filling the 10,748 government posts lying vacant in the region – remaining unfulfilled, Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa made a fresh promises on the occasion of Kalyana Karnatak Utsav Day this year on September 17. Caesar married Calpurnia, daughter of Lucius Piso, who became consul in 58 bce. Kadiyali, Udupi – 576 102 In case of a short story / article, the write-up should be at least one-and-a-half pages in word document in Times New Roman font 12 (or, about 700-800 words). Like Attila the Hun said: “There, where I have passed, the grass will never grow again.”, The opposite of divide and conquer is ‘unite and build.’. The article / poem / short story should be original and previously unpublished in other websites except in the personal blog of the author. Enter the final diabolical piece to this horror show, the so called “free trade” agreements TPP and TTIP that will totally undermine and completely destroy whatever national sovereignty is left and their sweet dream becomes our nightmare come true. Regardless of how old we are, we never stop learning. Travelogues should be sent along with relevant pictures not sourced from the Internet. This constant thematic thread of divide and conquer permeates the twentieth century on an epic, never before seen scale. The maxim divide et impera has been attributed to Philip II of Macedon.It was utilised by the Roman ruler Caesar and the French emperor Napoleon (together with the maxim divide ut regnes). Obama is simply following orders from the globalists to carry out a border policy that’s allowing millions of illegal aliens to enter the United States. Julius Caesar, Machiavelli, Napoleon, King Louis XI of France, and the British Empire all used a divide and conquer strategy. Again with the Communists in the North and another corrupt US supported puppet in the South, once the globalists got rid of Kennedy who’d vowed to return all US military advisors and thereby avoid war in Vietnam entirely, less than a year after JFK’s murder, co-conspirator Lyndon Johnson plunged the imperialistic Empire into its longest running war in US history under the pretense of yet another false flag lie in the Gulf of Tonkin in August 1964. © 2020 Liberationist. Alcohol in Corona Regime: Love the Sin - Hate the Sinner? Leaders have two choices — to unite or divide. Groupthink is a dangerous behavior that eliminates conflict to reach consensus — it lowers the ability to critically evaluate alternatives. Telephone : 0091-820-4295571 They even attempted to invade the western end of the old Roman province of Gallia Transalpina. They tell you, “Join me and follow the mission, not me.”.

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