edzna mexico

The causes leading to Edzná’s decline and gradual abandonment remain a mystery; the site remained unknown until its rediscovery by campesinos in 1906.. Edzná means ‘House of the Itzáes,’ a reference to a predominant governing clan of Chontal Maya origin.

It’s nice that as large and spectacular as it is, still doesn’t get too crowded with tourists. This is a great route, but slower than some may want and turns your adventure into a few days, not a quick road trip.If you are staying in the City of Campeche, there is public transportation that will take you close to the ruins entrance, about 500 meters from the ruins entrance.If staying in the Costa Maya, Take Hwy 307 to the south, travel west on Hwy 186 then up Hwy 180 to Campeche City. Edzná es un sitio arqueológico maya, ubicado en el estado mexicano de Campeche, en el Valle de Edzná. Check out my suggestions for spending a month in the south of Mexico , from teh Yucátan peninsula to Mexico City. In Edzná befinden sich auf einer Fläche von etwa 25 km² zahlreiche Tempel, Verwaltungsgebäude und Pal… Hamburgo 135, Colonia Juárez, Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc, Ciudad de México, CP 06600 Teléfonos (55)4166-0780 al (55)4166-0784

The most remarkable building at the plaza is the main temple. The show is titled The city was founded around 600 BC as a small community and its main activity was agriculture. Yes, as-in Chichén Itzá. Once you hit the City of Campeche you have two ways to get to the ruins. Search in pages Use these tags to read more related posts and reviews: Search in posts The name Edzná translates to Places of Itzás. Edzná, selten Etzná, ist eine archäologische Stätte der Maya im Edzná-Tal im Bundesstaat Campeche im Westen der Halbinsel Yucatán, Mexiko.

Visit Edzna, Mayan site Be amongst the relatively few tourists to pay a visit to the lesser-known Mayan ruins of Edzná, an important ancient site situated in a tranquil valley. (Though it’s a long way from such Puuc Hills sites as Uxmal and Kabah, some of the architecture here has elements of the Puuc style. Prices, info and exchange rates researched in January 2018. Search in pages Getting to Edzna from Campeche. As in any archaeological site in the world, it is very important to be careful, although it is maintained and restored, we must take care of them.What is your favorite archeological site in Mexico?The Highest Pyramid in Mexico at Tonina Mayan Ruins Edzna is one of the most important Mayan cities in Campeche. Edzná’s massive complexes, that once covered more than 17 sq km, were built by a highly stratified society that flourished from about 600 BC to the 15th century AD. I need to find someone to go with, I could take my dog Oska. Search in content Edzná may have been inhabited as early as 600 BC but it took until 200 AD before it developed into a major city. Search in content observatory in the New World! Exact matches only The causes leading to Edzná’s decline and gradual abandonment remain a mystery; the site remained unknown until its rediscovery by Edzná means ‘House of the Itzáes,’ a reference to a predominant governing clan of Chontal Maya origin. Edzná is a must-see ruin that will further your appreciation for the Maya and increase your desire to learn more.The main castillo named Cinco Pisos (5 levels) is what defines the Gran Acropolis. Despite being the best way to visit the ruins, you should take into consideration that the vans leave you at about 300 meters from the entrance of the site and pick you up at the same place. Once you hit Merida head south on Hwy 180. )Most of the visible carvings date from AD 550 to 810. All rights reserved. Wander through the uncrowded plazas and soak up the sense of centuries past, admiring the impressive structures. In 1986, coordinating agencies began to employ Guatemalan refugees in the excavation, restoration and maintenance at Edzná. I want to share with you an archeological site not so popular in Mexico, Visit Edzna Mayan Ruins is a wonderful idea if you travel to Campeche. ciudades mayas cultura maya edzna edzna zona arqueologica los mayas mayas mexico mexico desconocido mundo maya zona arqueologica edzna zonas arqueologicas campeche Ver comentarios Compartir México Desconocido Conoce México, sus tradiciones y costumbres, pueblos mágicos, zonas arqueológicas, playas y hasta la comida mexicana. Each stair had intricate glyph carvings with remnants of the stucco details still seen today.We always love a road trip and Edzná provides a great road from both the Riviera Maya and Costa Maya. Ednzá ruins are located about an hour’s drive outside of Campeche, Mexico. This ancient Mayan city is one of the most interesting in the area because of the technological advances that have been discovered in it.It is located at the State of Campeche, Mexico; southeast of Campeche City and only 1 hour away.It is really easy, there are two options; the best option is to take public transport, which is very common, easy and safe in Campeche.

The city is about an hour’s drive from Campeche, the capital of the Mexican state of the same name.

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